Faculty and staff within the Institute have become national leaders in working across disciplines to overcome known challenges in STEM education for a diverse population.
Improving STEM Teaching
preK-12 and at College Level
Cal State East Bay faculty are working with K-12 teachers and community colleges to develop more powerful ways to teach in the STEM disciplines. The recently adopted Next Generation Science Standards have created an opportunity to work with teachers and school districts to transform the way they teach science.
Recruiting a More Diverse
k-12 STEM Teacher Population
The share of under-prepared math and science teachers increased to 40% in the 2015-16 school year — nearly double the rate of just four years earlier.1 Schools in low-income, ethnically diverse neighborhoods are most likely to be taught by under-prepared teachers.
1California Learning Policy Institute,
“Addressing California’s Growing Teacher Shortage: 2017 Update.”
Supporting Students Pursuing
STEM Career Pathways
Students—especially those from communities underrepresented in STEM—are powerfully motivated to continue their STEM studies and career pathways when they fully grasp the diversity and accessibility of opportunities available to them in STEM fields. Institute-affiliated faculty have initiated an array of career awareness and pathway development projects.
Preparing Students
for College
A majority of students come to community and four-year colleges unprepared for college-level mathematics. This costs students money and time, and impedes their ability to complete coursework in their majors in a timely manner. This lack of college-level preparedness, as an example, is the single biggest predictor of dropping out before degree completion at California State University East Bay.